My name is Liir of the Red Talons. We are a strong nomadic protectors of the Wild and Gaia. We roam her body to guard
and protect our most beautiful mother. We are born wolf and with the blessing of Gaia are able to bend our flesh to fight
for her, and we do so without hesitation.
I was raised in a pack of five females and three males; the alpha, omega, and me. I had three sisters, all kin folk
but I was the only wolf spirit for three generations. My mother was concerned with my sisters and if i didn't tag along with
them I wasn't missed. I spent most of my life with the omega. He was the only parent I ever knew and his wisdom woke the ragabash
in me.
Merits and Flaws
Merit Animal Magnetism - -2 difficulty
animal attraction Cost: 1 pt Dare Devil - -1 difficulty danger Cost: 3 pt Danger Sense Cost: 3 pt Common
Sense Cost 1 pt
Flaw Strict Carnivore Cost: 1 pt Sign of the Wolf Cost: 2 pt Pitiable Cost:
1 point Animal Musk Cost: 1 pt Twisted Upbringing Cost: 1 pt Forced Transformation – when frenzy forced
transformation to hispo Cost: 2 pt
Expanded Background
Pure Breed
Past Life
Pack Totem
Possessions Gear (Carried) Equipment
Sept Name: Koatekawok Caern Location: near Finger Lake Level: 3 Type: Honor Totem: Bear Leader:
Decription Age: 16 Hair (fur): grey-brown Eyes: black Wolf Breed:
Canis lupus lyenon Human Race: Sex: Male
[blank area to write in]
Homid Height: Weight: Galbro Height:
Cinos Height: Weight:
Hispo Height: Weight:
Lupus Height: Weight:
Battle Scars:
Metis Deformity: None
Pack Chart
Character Sketch