Character Sheet
Many Faces
The Body Palatial
My Bitches

Character Sheet

On your knees and kiss my lips.

Never was one for a prissy girl

Only Woman Bleed

"And Moses I know
I know you've seen fire
But you've never seen fire
Until you've seen Pele blow
And I've never seen light
But I sure have seen gold"

Character Sheet
Vital Statistics
Role - Solo
Character points - 58
Rep - 1
Current IP - 115
Humanity - 36
INT - 6
REF - 12/
Tech - 5
Cool - 11
ATTR - 8
Luck - 10
MA - 10
Body - 6/ +2
EMP - 7/70
Run - 30
Leap - 8
Lift - 240
Save - 8
BTM - -3
Armor Sp
Head - 20
Torso - 20
R. Arm - 20
L. Arm - 20
R. Leg - 20
L. Leg - 20
Special Abilities
Combat Sense - 5
Personal Grooming - 2
Wardrobe & Style - 1 (+4)
Endurance - 1
Strength - 1
Streetwise - 1
Human Perception - 1
Seduction - 1 (+1)
Social -1
Persuasion & Fast Talk - 1
Awareness/Notice - 5
Hide/Evade - 1
Language - Russian - 1
Language - Japanese - 1
Shadow/Track - 1
Teaching - 1
Athletics - 5
Dodge & Escape - 1
Handgun - 4
Martial Art - - 5
Melee - 4
Rifle - 2
Stealth - 5
Submachinegun - 2
Disguise - 1
First Aid - 1
Weaponsmith - 3
Life Events
Cash (see Money page)



favorite thing:

kicking ass and fucking you with my gun

favorite music:

Tori Amos, Garbage, Kidney Theives, Ani Defranco, Jack off Jill,


Advantage List
Acute Sense (Varies) -
Cost: 2 SPs
When a player selects this advantage, he also selects one of his five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, or touch). Awareness rolls made that involve that kind of stimulus receive a +2 bonus. Any cybernetic options that alter or replace the specified sensory organs (replacing eyes with cyberoptics, for example) will nullify this advantage in regards to that sense. If only one eye is replaced, the bonus is reduced to +1; if a limb is replaced with a cybernetic part, the bonus no longer applies to touch-based rolls with that arm. Sensory organs modified by nanotech augmentation are only adversely affected 10% of the time. This advantage may be taken up to five times, once for each of the senses.
Ambidextrous -
Cost: 6 SPs
The character can function equally well using either hand (no off-hand firing modifier), though penalties for multiple actions still apply.
Athletic -
Cost: 4 SPs
An athletic character is especially in tune with his body. This grants a +2 bonus to Athletics, Dance, and Dodge & Escape skill rolls. This bonus is also applied to Martial Arts maneuvers such as Dodge and Escape
Balance -
Cost: 4 SPs
The character will not suffer from dizziness due to changes in orientation, which translates into a +2 on space sickness rolls, an automatic +1 skill in 0-Gee Maneuver, and a +2 bonus to any athletic skill involving extended balance.
Double-Jointed -
Cost: 2 SPs
The character's body has more flexibility than average. This grants a +4 bonus to all Dodge & Escape skill rolls, and might assist in any physical activity that requires contortions (squeezing into a small box, pulling your body through a toilet seat lid, etc.).
Fast -
Cost: 2 SPs
Quick characters add 3 points to their effective Run score. These additional points do not affect the character's Leap score, which should be calculated using the character's unmodified Run total.
Hard Hitting -
Cost: 4 or 6 SPs
The character with this advantage knows where to strike opponents in unarmed or melee combat (specify which). This has the game effect of increasing the character's hand-to-hand damage bonus by +1. For 6 points, this bonus damage applies to damage from both unarmed and melee attacks.
Light Sleeper -
Cost: 2 SPs
With this advantage, a character may make Awareness rolls while asleep (at the GM's discretion).

Talented -
Cost: 4 SPs
When this advantage is selected, the player must select a single skill. This single skill can be increased (through experience) to a maximum rating of 12 instead of 10. Although not immediately beneficial to a starting character (especially if the GM limits starting skill totals), this is still a powerful advantage.
Voice -
Cost: 4 SPs
The character's voice is naturally pleasing to the ear. This allows for a +2 modifier to skills such as Perform, Fast Talk, Oratory, Leadership, Seduction, and Social.
Disadvantage List
Close Personal Tie -
Cost: -2 or -4 SPs
The character has a close friend or relative that he cares about. If the friend/relative is any amount of danger, the character is obligated to do anything in his power to help his Personal Tie. Should the Personal Tie die, or become an enemy, severe emotional distress may occur at the GM's discretion. At -2, the Personal Tie is capable of taking care of himself. At -4, the Tie totally relies on the PC for care.
Compulsion -
Cost: -2, -4, or -6 SPs
A character with this disadvantage does something compulsively. Such activities might include innocent things like cleaning up after other people, or they may be more self-destructive, such as a gambling or sex addiction.
At -2 points, the compulsion is more of a quirk than anything. It need not disrupt the character's life overmuch, and can usually be role-played. If it becomes an issue of concern, the player must make an Average save versus Cool to resist the impulse to indulge in his compulsion.
At -4 points, the compulsion is a serious psychological flaw. Whenever presented with the object of his obsession, the character must make a save versus Cool at -2 or be forced to pursue his compulsion.
At -6 the compulsion is a major problem, obvious to everyone the character meets. When faced with a circumstance relating to his compulsion, a character must make a save versus Cool at -4 to resist the temptation. Even if he resists, he will be obviously uncomfortable as long as he is subjected to the situation.
Ego Signature -
Cost: -2 SPs
The character must leave a "calling card" behind, even during sensitive operations. This can amount to a piece of white lace, a silver bullet, a flower, or a chewed toothpick. Intentionally leaving such clues behind increases the likelihood that the character's identity will be eventually discovered.
Enemies -
Cost: -2 SPs
For each -2 points spent on enemies, the player gets to roll up an enemy on the Friends and Enemies portion of the Lifepath.
Honor -
Cost: -2 or -4 SPs
At -2 points, the character will do anything to accomplish his duty, including placing his life in danger. If it appears as though his acts will bring certain death, he can back out.
At -4 points, the character will go so far as dying if it will accomplish his mission
Lechery -
Cost: -2 or -4 SPs
At -2 points, the character is drawn to the opposite sex like a moth to a flame. Seduction rolls against this character are made at a +2 bonus to the seducer's roll.
At -4 points, the character is obsessed with sex, and will do whatever he can to get the objects of his desire into bed. The character also gets a -2 penalty to all Empathy-based skills when dealing with the opposite sex due to roving eyes and attitude. (Note: If characters are homo- or bisexual, this disadvantage can relate to feelings of the same sex as well.)
Moral Qualm -
Cost: -2 or -4
There is something that the character is morally opposed to doing, such as harming children, lying, or using torture on a prisoner.
At -2, while the character won't actively participate in such activities, he will allow other PCs to indulge.
At -4, the character is so repulsed by the activity that he will take steps to prevent it from happening at all, and will not think very highly of those who do.
Nightmares -
Cost: -2 SPs
The character is prone to nightmares. Every time the character tries to sleep, he must roll 1D10. On a result of 1 or 2, he experiences a nightmare which will be of such intensity as to wake him up. He will be unable to sleep the rest of the night. Subsequent nights which yield nightmares as well may incur modifiers to attribute and skill rolls due to exhaustion.
Sadism -
Cost: -4 SPs
The character gets a kick out of inflicting pain. This sort of character is capable of extreme violence, and must make a Save vs. COOL at -2 to keep from attempting to hurt (emotionally or physically) anyone that he has direct power over
Sterile -
Cost: -2 or -4 SPs
For whatever reason the character is unable to sire children.
At -2, the character can still function sexually, and retains all of his adult desires and sex drive.
At -4, the character has no carnal desires, and is unable to function, which may play havoc with his self-esteem. On the plus side, a character with this form of Sterility is immune to any attempts at Seduction
Vendetta -
Cost: -2, -4, or -6 SPs
The character has a score to settle with someone. The way he settles the score isn't important, but he must seek vengeance if the opportunity presents itself unless he makes a save against his COOL -2.
At -2 SPs, the target of the character's hostility is a single individual, or a small group of people (ie, a rival ops team, a small gang, etc.).
At -4, it's a moderate-sized gang, nomad pack, company, or organization.
At -6, he's after only the largest and/or most powerful group (ie, Arasaka, the IRA, or LEDiv).
